Thursday, April 9, 2009

Work is the Devil

Actually, work is not the devil; I'm very fortunate to have a job in these "troubled times," as newscasters like to remind us hourly. But, my day job is rather demanding, and it's all the more difficult to stay focused when all I want to do is write. I persevered today, staying in the office for ten hours and then working at home for two hours beyond that, but I'm hopeful that I can get caught up enough that I will not need to do anything for the day job this weekend.

In other news, I read this interesting stat on Publishers Lunch, from USA Today: Stephenie Meyer accounted for sixteen percent of total sales for the books they were tracking on their bestseller list. Sixteen percent! That makes my Golden Heart nomination look like a Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes invitation. I shall never get to sixteen percent market share unless I focus on the book -- so this weekend is going to be spent in hermitville. I have a birthday party to attend tomorrow night (at a country/western bar with line dancing, which should be interesting), but beyond that, I'm going to hole up with Malcolm, Amelia, and the dozen felt-tipped pens that I bought tonight and figure out what, if anything, I want to change before submitting to agents again. It's not the most fun weekend in the world, but if it gets me a step closer to Stephenie Meyer territory, it's worth it.

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