Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Three-Day Weekend Awaits

I'm taking tomorrow off, and not a moment too soon -- while I did manage to work on the rewrites for MARRIAGE on Monday and Tuesday, I failed in my efforts yesterday and today. I can't let my progress stall; the Golden Heart nomination is a huge opportunity, but I'm not comfortable querying with what I have because I'm convinced that I need to rewrite a couple of chapters. Since my day-job boss is in town next week, my evenings are going to be booked up, and so progress this weekend is critical.

Meanwhile, I keep watching the video of Susan Boyle's performance of "I Dreamed a Dream" on "Britain's Got Talent." I'm a total sucker for underdogs, and her appearance and general demeanor made her the ultimate underdog; everyone in the audience was sure that this was going to be one of those cringe-worthy trainwrecks that happen in the early rounds of talent competitions. Instead, she performed "I Dreamed a Dream" so well that it's gotten over fifteen *million* views on YouTube in less than a week, and pushed the original Broadway recording of the song back onto the Top 40 charts. How incredible is that? If I never sell my books, perhaps I'll go on a variety show in twenty years and attempt to do a dramatized reading of one of my scenes, although I doubt that's the best way to break into publishing.

It's bedtime; tomorrow, I have to drop my car off to get serviced, and then I'm going to seek out a cafe and write the rest of the day. What are your plans for the weekend?

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