Monday, April 27, 2009

In Which This Author Receives a Shock

Sincere apologies for my silence over the past few days. It's been something of a whirlwind (as all of my weeks are -- for some reason, I haven't had a single week in months that was devoid of chaos), and the blog was deprioritized as a result. I found out last Wednesday that one of the final-round judges for the Golden Heart wanted to see my full manuscript!

The good news is that this indicates that the editor has some level of interest in acquiring my book. The bad news is that I was in the middle of doing some revisions, and I only had forty-eight hours to submit my full manuscript to the RWA office. Needless to say, this was cause for alarm; while none of my edits were dramatic, I wasn't as far along as I would have liked. Luckily, I work at one of the few places in corporate America in which my boss and all of my directors are supportive of both my writing career (and yes, they know I'm writing romance) and my "real" career, and so I was able to take Thursday afternoon off to polish up my draft. Now it's back to the grind to get caught up at work, but a request from an editor made my week :)

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