Sunday, May 10, 2009

One Hundred Days of Write-itude

The Romance Writers of America conference is in less than ten weeks! I wasn't planning to attend this year, but after finding out that AN INCONVENIENT MARRIAGE is a finalist for a Golden Heart award, I immediately changed my mind.

So, I'm going to DC, where I intend to meet the other lovely ladies I'm becoming acquainted with online, attend some great workshops and retreats, sightsee in our nation's capital, and party my heart out until the awards ceremony. But, there is much to do before I get to Washington; while finding a dress and obsessing over shoes will take some significant thought, the main focus is trying to finish the first draft of Madeleine and Ferguson's story. Obviously, I hope that I sell MARRIAGE and that all my wildest dreams come true, but I'm not holding my breath -- and I think I'm on to something special with these characters, so I would like to have a finished draft in time to submit to the 2010 Golden Heart in December.

This is doable; I'm about as far with them right now as I was with Amelia and Malcolm last year, so finishing by December is feasible. It just won't be easy, given the demands of the day job, my summer travel schedule, and all the little things that seem to conspire against me.

My hardcore writing was supposed to start today, but instead I did five loads of laundry, reread segments of a great book (Robin McKinley's CHALICE -- a nice blend of old-timey high fantasy, romance, and beekeeping), and talked to my parents for Mother's Day. But, starting now, I'm recommitting to my hermitage; spending the next hundred (or, hopefully, only seventy) days holed up and working on Madeleine and Ferguson's story should give me something complete enough that I can start working on the second draft after the RWA conference. I will either return elated and eager to get back to the book, or despondent and in need of a distraction, so having something to edit will be key.

You can tell by the length of this post that I'm procrastinating :) No more of that -- it's time to get back to business!

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