Sunday, May 3, 2009

Here Comes the Rain Again

It is another cold and rainy weekend in San Francisco. It's unclear to me what SF has done to offend the weather gods, but for whatever reason, it feels like the weeks are nice and the weekends are not so nice. Obviously I would prefer to have it be the other way around, but I suppose there is something to be said for the "inspiration" the rain provides for my British-set romance novels.

I'm still slogging through edits for AN INCONVENIENT MARRIAGE, but I believe that I can be done tonight. Then it's back to the grind in multiple capacities -- both in my day job, which will be somewhat intense this week, and in my writing job, which demands that I start querying my heart out.

Okay, it's time to find a coffee shop and hole up there for the immediate future. Happy Sunday!

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