Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Apparently I'm Destroying My Life...

Check out this article in TIME magazine: "Are Romantic Movies Bad For You?"

My favorite quote: "'Idealism has a role to play — it can convince us that no matter how misshapen, decrepit, or dull we are, there is someone out there for us.'" I love that a fellow at the British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy implied that romantic comedies were good for the misshapen, decrepit and dull. That really just makes me want to go out and salve my wounds with half a dozen viewings of LOVE ACTUALLY.

Really, I do want to watch LOVE ACTUALLY now. Sadly, it's in my apartment in California, and I'm in my parents' house in Iowa for the holidays. But I think it's one of my favorite romantic comedies ever, possibly because the characters are mostly absurd and some of the stories end on a melancholy note. Or possibly because some of the characters seem "misshapen, decrepit, and dull" themselves, which trumps the ridiculous machinations of some of the impossibly-perfect heroes and heroines in general boilerplate romcoms.

I fully intend to keep destroying my ability to form real relationships by reading romance over the holidays. What are you reading and/or watching?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm obessed with Reality shows. Unfortunately!! I love to watch Clean House...really how can people live in such filth? I also like to watch women who prostitute themselves one way or another. But mostly it seems for money, just like real street walkers. I'm talking reality shows like Girls Next Door, and Housewives of Orange County. Marry or shack up with old rich men, and get lots of cosmetic surgery...you'll be happy as those girls! Actually I watch to try and figure out why...why do these women do what they do..psychology fasinates me.